It is not too late to contact the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) to voice your opinion regarding Saturday mail delivery. The PRC is accepting comments to determine whether to recommend to Congress to eliminate mail delivery on Saturdays. Please write a letter to inform them what a mistake cutting Saturday delivery would be. Encourage others to do the same. All statements received by U.S. Mail will be accepted into the public record by the PRC.
Postal Regulatory Commission / Attention: Office of Public Affairs & Government Relations / 901 New York Avenue, N. W., Suite 200 / Washington, D.C. 20268-0001
Refer to Docket N2010-1
The more the Commission hears from the American people, the more likely it is they will see the value of keeping Saturday mail delivery and that they will tell Congress to vote against the Saturday cut.
We can save Saturday delivery by writing a letter!