Black inventors have made considerable contributions to many things we take for granted today. Consider for example, the blue mail box. “In 1891, anyone interested in mailing a letter would have to make the long trip to the post office. In order to make mailing a letter more convenient, Philip B. Downing designed a metal box with […]
Archives for February 2018
With only a few days to go, we need to make a plan for Valentines Day. Flowers, chocolates, diamonds? Well, here’s a simpler idea- how about a love letter? Young or old, everyone appreciates them. And I’m talking about the real deal with pen to paper. Emails don’t quite do it. Even the millennials prefer […]
Handwriting Help 101
Many people lament, “My handwriting is awful.” And so they shy away from anything to do with handwriting. There is help, if one has an interest in polishing the skill with pen to paper. The above simple tips are an invitation to ease into the “art of penmanship.” Other more detailed posts are to follow. […]