January 30, 2011 Tired of doom and gloom? Winter doldrums got you down? Here’s a journal- guaranteed to lift your spirits. As a personal challenge, Catherine Price experimented with exercises in positive thinking. She noticed gratitude was an underlying theme, and was thus inspired to create this journal. “Taking time to reflect on the things we are […]
Archives for January 2011
Journaling: a love letter to yourself
January 27, 2011 I write in a journal. I began with fervor a while back with Julia Cameron’s The Artists’ Way…15 minutes of stream-of-consciousness writing. First thing in the morning is best for me. But anytime is better than not at all. You can carry a small notebook like a trusted companion and write anywhere- […]
Happy Birthday John Hancock!
Happy Birthday John Hancock! John Hancock, the prominent statesman and patriot, was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. As he signed on a blank space, his script is the “most flamboyant and easily recognizable” of all the names. His beautiful signature or “John-Hancock” has become synonymous for signing one’s name. With pen in […]
January 21, 2011 Remember doodling? That mindless thing we sometimes do when we are on the phone, in a meeting or in class and we’re bored or waiting. The pen easily flows on the paper making circles, geometric designs, repeated patterns, cartoons or monsters. That’s doodling! Did you know that doodling is healthy? “Doodling helps […]
National Letter Writing Week 2011…
January 16, 2011…. National Letter Writing Week occurs each year in the United States during the second week of January. Today is the final day of the Week. However, I plan to “keep the ball rolling” and keep writing cards, letters, and even my grocery list! After all, next Sunday, January 23rd is John Hancock’s birthday and National Handwriting […]
What is Cursive Italic?
January 15, 2011 We live in a world that prefers we PRINT everything. Plain printing is “Basic Italic.” If you take the plain printing and connect the letters, you will have “Cursive Italic.” To add some flare, pick up an edged pen, marker, fountain pen or an artist’s nib and your cursive italic will become […]
“Prescriptions for Handwriting Success”
January 12, 2011 Don’t like your handwriting? Interested in improving your “chicken scratch?” Here’s some tips from Write Now™ -a complete program for better handwriting. The easy-to-follow course features “Basic Italic”, “Cursive Italic” and some “Calligraphy.” With a little patience and some determination you’ll see marked improvement in a very short time. Just by closing […]
Unique Letter Openers
January 10, 2011 Opening a handwritten letter requires ceremony. You want to open the envelope with a clean edge to preserve the case the letter came in. Ron Savage’s beautiful “one-of-a-kind” wrought iron letter openers offer a Medieval atmosphere. Size varies…approximately 9-12 inches Cost…special “writealetter.org” offer… $20.00, shipping not included. To order: Contact- ronsavage999@gmail.com Email your […]
365 (handwritten) Thank Yous…
“you can’t get what you want, if you are not grateful for what you have…”John Kralik from 365 Thank Yous
Thanks to YOU for The Write Gift
January 1, 2011 …I wish to say thank you to a few friends who have helped me get this website going… * Carl Honore– Author of In Praise of Slowness. He supported and encouraged the campaign for handwritten letters for the past 2 years via timely emails from London. * Kitty Burns Florey– Author of Script […]