January 21, 2011

Remember doodling? That mindless thing we sometimes do when we are on the phone, in a meeting or in class and we’re bored or waiting. The pen easily flows on the paper making circles, geometric designs, repeated patterns, cartoons or monsters. That’s doodling!
Did you know that doodling is healthy? “Doodling helps you stay awake and can increase your ability to remember information by nearly 30%.”* Creativity is improved and your brain gets an energy boost. Your wrist and hand relax with the pen or pencil involved in a stress free doodling exercise.
So as a first step towards handwriting improvement, let’s doodle! Try this: put the pen/pencil into your less dominant hand, to activate the other side of your brain.
*Bottom Line/Personal, Jan.15, 2011, “When you’re in a boring meeting, doodle.”-Thom Lobe, MD Beneveda Medical Group, Beverly Hills, California. www.Beneveda.com