March 18, 2011
Feeling fear, anxiety, hopelessness? What to do?
How about pray? What do you mean you don’t pray? I think we all do, even as we daydream for things to be better. Of course, prayer has more power if it is conscious.
God? Your choice, Higher Power, “the God of Your Understanding.” One can’t deny there is definitely Source Energy. We can not be all there is!
Ever hear of “God boxes?” -A special container appropriated to hold written wishes and requests to God. Prayers are written down and released into the box. “Let go, let God.” Writing your needs down clarifies your request and fixes your intention. The more specific the better. God knows if you need money, a new job, better health, whatever… “Ask and ye shall receive.”
I write my prayers on paper and place them face out on my window where the sun and moonlight will illuminate them. Natural light dispels fear and nourishes growth. Write down your prayers, as a “letter to God.” Ask for what you and others need. Ask for peace in Libya and healing in Japan. Send your good wishes around the Earth.
If you can donate, here are a few possibilities-
- or text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 from your phone.
- or text “JAPAN” or “QUAKE” to 80888 to donate $10 from your phone.
- UNICEF on behalf of the children, or text JAPAN to 864233 to donate $10 from your phone.
- International Fund for Animal Welfare IFAW for the animal crisis in Japan.