August 7, 2011
Children’s letters are so precious. There’s originality and a genuine heartfelt expression where even their mistakes are endearing.
The story behind this crayoned thank you centers around Fred, a lost dog. One summer day, while delivering the mail, I noticed a small beagle hovering around my truck. I had never seen him before and he was very friendly. Fortunately, he had a tag. I learned his name was “Fred” and I called his phone number. His owners had recently moved into a new home and they hadn’t noticed that Fred was missing. The dad came running from around the corner in his bare feet to rescue Fred. Soon the family followed in a car. They were so grateful that they wanted my address to send me a gift card. They insisted. Shortly thereafter, I received this colorful thank you which I have saved for several years!
c.j. comments:
Oh my!!! What a sweet and precious treasure! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. The strangest thing happened though … it brought the biggest smile to my face (still there as I type), but my nose is dripping, as are my eyes …