October 3, 2011
So what happened at the rally?
I rushed through my work day and flew down the highway to Bridgeport. Arriving 20 minutes late, it was already over. Apparently, some spokesman from the legislators’ office came out and spoke very early on. All the Connecticut Congressmen signed a letter to the White House. They asked President Obama to reconsider his proposal to help the USPS, explaining that many Connecticut businesses are reliant on the postal service. And therefore, many jobs are at stake- both postal and from the private sector.
I was told 100 people came out and showed support to Save the Post Office.
Elsewhere- I saw a news clip of some NYC postal workers chanting alongside the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors. They had a nifty chant-
“We don’t want a bailout.
Just wanna get the mail out!”
For a more in depth explanation behind the Nationwide rallies see the story –
“Shock Doctrine at the Post Office: Is a Manufactured Crisis Behind Push Towards Privatization?”http://www.democracynow.org/2011/9/27/shock_doctrine_at_us_postal_service