February 5, 2012
…..If you need any incentive to inspire you to get going on those Valentines, here it is-
Love Letters is a play celebrating a love story which takes place almost exclusively with pen and paper.
Love Letters also offers the most eloquent argument, I have ever read, for the value of good old fashioned letter writing!
Let me share a favorite passage with you….
ANDY:….”As I’ve told you before, in some ways I feel most alive when I’m holed up in some corner, writing things down. I pick up a pen, and everything seems to take shape around me. I love to write. I love writing to my parents because then I become the ideal son. I love writing essays for English, because then I am for a short while a true scholar. I love writing letters to the newspaper, notes to my friends, Christmas cards, anything where I have to put down words.
I love writing to you. You most of all. I always have. I feel like a true lover when I’m writing you. This letter, which I’m writing with my own hand, with my own pen, in my own penmanship, comes from me and no one else, and it is a present of myself to you….
This is just me, the way I write, the way my writing is, the way I want to be to you, giving myself to you across the distance, not keeping or retaining any part of it for myself, giving this piece of myself to you totally, and you can tear me up and throw me out, or keep me, and read me today, tomorrow, any time you want until you die.”
Reference: A.R.Gurney. Love Letters. Penguin Group. NYC, NY. 1989.