March 12, 2012
In a recent “Sound Off” in the local paper, The New Haven Register, the question was:
Do you still write letters?
Out of 26 respondents, only 4 regrettably said: “No.”
The comments are worth sharing…
- “It’s the best way to communicate.” -Ray
- “It is the greatest form of respect.” -Elsa
- “I like the personal touch.” -Barbara
- “A letter comes straight from your heart.” -Sharyn
- “I write letters and cards and I love to get letters and cards. It makes my day. I’ll keep doing this as long as there’s mail.” -Lois
- One “No” said: “My pen pals have died.” -Stan. And,
- Peggy said, “No. I kind of miss getting letters.”
I am not sure what segment of the population was surveyed here, but in that particular group, letter writing is alive and well! _______________________________________________________
Speaking of letters, I want to put in my 2 cents about The Month of Letters Challenge. I wrote 30 letters. I didn’t mail them on each postal business day as instructed. I claim “artistic license!” I am happy to report that I have caught up on my correspondence. Well, that is until the mailman brings me your next letter!
Jonathan, who also participated in The Challenge, wrote his last letter of the month to me. That was number 83!!! Congratulations to Jonathan.
Mary Robinette Kowal, the originator of this letter writing blitz, wrote back to me on February 20th, and that was her 219th letter…I am quite anxious to know just how many more letters she generated. I sincerely feel that she deserves an award from the USPS, for single handedly increasing mail volume throughout the month of February.
Bravo to MRK! She told me that she intends to repeat this letter writing adventure again next year. So keep that in mind when you are planning for February 2013.