I have hesitated to write a political post, but it is apparent that the media is minimizing Bernie Sanders’ campaign. The Republican front runner (whose name I won’t mention) gets far too much attention. Hillary gets the Democratic media establishment huzzahs….And then there’s the “Bernie Blackout.” Without big money backing and with a message of truth and inequality, it is no wonder that many voters across the country know very little about Bernie and his grassroots campaign. The Sanders’ campaign threatens the status quo. Of course he’s downplayed or completely ignored by the media….Thus, I’m compelled to write this entry.
Personally, I am an “outside-the-box” individual. I enjoy hearing about new methods of problem solving that have common sense in the equation. I am a “we’re all in this together” citizen, who constantly checks actions against the truism- “for every action there is a reaction.” Or, “you reap what you sow.” And I am a life long learner, so I’m open to new information. Politically, I think independently, but I’m registered as a Democrat.
What amazes me about Bernie Sanders is how he’s educating and inspiring masses of young people who flock by the thousands to hear him speak. He conducts huge forums of “Radical ideas” or American Politics 101. He offers the truth in plain speak and explains the Congressional gridlock that is holding American progress back, while making a handful of wealthy people ever more rich. “Greed is an addiction,” Bernie states. Like any addiction, more demands more. And so, Bernie answers, “Enough is enough”. His campaign is indeed a “Political Revolution” of truth, sanity, and moral integrity.
Honesty is like fresh air. It’s vital. Join the Political Revolution- //www.facebook.com/berniesanders
Feel the Bern in Bud Meyers’ music video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_L5e0fIkQ8
*Photograph courtesy of Andrew Harrer, Bloomberg Finance LP
The New York Times article: “A Bernie Blackout?” – Charles M. Blow http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/17/opinion/campaign-stops/a-bernie-blackout.html?_r=1