Dear Reader- If you’re like me, feeling anxious and helpless around the crisis in Ukraine, I have a suggestion. First donate if you can. And then pick up your pen to protect our fragile American democracy.
The midterm elections in this country will be happening in a few quick months. How our government works or doesn’t will be determined by the outcome from these elections. And if you are not aware, voting in America is becoming increasingly more difficult. “19 states passed 33 laws that make it harder to vote. And 49 states introduced more than 400 bills to limit access to the polls…restricting vote by mail, tightening voter ID requirements and more.” SPLC/ACTION
In the burgundy states, there are lots of new little details to be aware of so your ballot won’t be discarded. There’s some pretty crazy stuff, too. In Georgia and Florida, handing a bottle of water or a snack to someone caught on a hot day in a long line at a polling place- can actually get you arrested!
OK, with your pen in hand there IS something that you can do. VOTE FORWARD is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that encourages people to vote. And they do this through “handwritten” letter writing. Information for a specific state’s latest voting rules, dates and polling places are all available in a link at the bottom of each letter. You only need to handwrite why voting matters to you. You do not mention any parties or candidates. You merely invite, inform, and motivate the voter to exercise their right to vote. Here’s a sample of my message-
VOTE FORWARD has multiple campaigns in progress. You can choose the states you want to write to. You can adopt as few as 5 voters or as many as you feel you can handle. You’ll need a printer, envelopes and stamps. And the deadline for mailing your letters is October 29th, (222 days from today). But don’t put it off. Remember this is a productive outlet for our current global anxiety.
VOTE FORWARD gets results. Our handwritten letters get noticed. AND studies have shown that these letters DO increase voter turnout. Please sign up and start writing. Our democracy is on the line here. Thanks.
Just two years ago, we celebrated the 100th Anniversary of Women earning the vote. Now we are struggling to keep that right for everyone. Think about it, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act (S.4263) which would have restored and federally protected our right to vote was shot down for lack of majority support!!! I was speechless. How did any of those politicians originally get their jobs? Weren’t they were voted in?