September 22,2010
I noticed this statistic in a catalog: “worldwide, 100 million pens are discarded daily.” All those pens in the trash, urges me to say, “Choose your pens wisely, for many reasons.”
I have a variety of favorite pens that I use for different reasons and moods. My “work pen” is a chubby ITOYA ballpoint- I picked up at the art store. I like the substantial feel of it in my hand and the rubbery band at the neck which cushions my grip on the pen. I like this pen so much, I didn’t want to discard it, when the ink ran out. I found a place online where I can purchase black and blue medium refills, so I can continue to enjoy my pen.
Sometimes, I use a fine point black rollerball, if I’m writing a short note and I need to be precise in a small space. I am developing my fountain pen skills with the Pilot Varsity Fountain Pens. They are disposable, unfortunately, adding to the heap in the landfill. However, I have been working with a few of these pens for several months and they are lasting a good long while…They come in a assortment of colors and are available in the Store.
Reference: www.IsabellaCatalog.com see SEVEN-YEAR PEN