Dear Reader, Here is another “Guest Author” treat from Colette. Her Letters to Self is such a thoughtful idea to fulfil her personal wish to continue receiving mail from foreign places -way into the future. She’s right, it’s brilliant! Ever since I learned how to write, I have had pen pals. The French nuns at […]
Writing Your Thanks
Dear Reader, In this season of generosity, please be sure to stir in time for some handwritten thank you notes. Sadly, technology has overshadowed this precious act of human courtesy. Writing your thanks says so much more than the words alone. When you take the time to acknowledge a kindness rendered, it touches the heart […]
“I Stand with Ukraine”
Dear Reader, I have been wanting to showcase Donovan Beeson’s art for some time now. Her latest post, “I Stand with Ukraine,” gives voice to my choked up sentiments and offers me the chance to introduce Donovan to you. She is an amazing artist who creates postage art, among other things. As one of her […]
“7 Reasons to Write Letters”
…If you are not familiar with The Postman Knocks, then you are in for a treat! Margaret Shepherd recommended Lindsay Bugbee’s website, so there’s a nod of approval if ever I saw one. Lindsay’s TPK is always visually gorgeous. Her interest in inspiring us is continuously channeled into her multiple lessons and videos. If you would […]
Universal Letter Writing Week 2021
Looking forward, looking back -that’s Janus. January is named after Janus, the Roman god with two faces, each looking in the opposite direction. He heralds new beginnings. What a perfect symbol for a new year and some fresh starts. We’ve done plenty of looking back. So, what’s ahead? How are those resolutions going? Laurie Santos, […]
Having a Pen Pal is Healthy for You
Dear Reader, There IS a letter writing resurgence happening as a result of the global pandemic. Here’s a great article written by a 20-something. Mr. Salama is taking a break from the screens and is finding comfort by reaching out to friends with handwritten letters. He says he’ll keep writing as long as someone writes […]
Pat Yourself on the Back
25 Years of Graceful Envelopes
At last, here’s some “eye candy”- the 2019 Graceful Envelope Contest Winners with their Put Your Stamp On It masterpieces. There is no question, The Graceful Envelope Contest elevates “mail art” to museum quality levels. Every year, since 1994, the Washington Calligraphers’ Guild and the National Association of Letter Carriers team up to sponsor the […]
footsteps towards the Victory
Veterans’ Day 2019 In honor of Veterans’ Day, I’d like to share this old postcard with you. A friend sent this French postcard which depicts the WWI Allied Forces. The young maid appears to be telling a surviving soldier of the path towards victory that ended the war in 1918. The writing on the back […]