August 17, 2011 Teaching kids to express “thanks” on paper is giving them an important life skill. Writing a thank you note is rather magical, a la harry potter! Putting gratitude into writing actually magnifies the generosity. People won’t hesitate to offer future help to those who acknowledge past kindnesses. Thank you notes open doors and impress people, especially now […]
Grand Opening!
Great News: The Store is Open!!! Many of my best resources are now available for you to browse and purchase… books by Kitty Burns Florey, Margaret Shepherd, Barbara Getty & Inga Dubay, Nan Jay Barchowsky and Carl Honore. All sorts of handwriting help, inspiration, pens, ink, journals and stationery. I am thrilled to share my […]
Postcards revisited…
October 25, 2010 As a final word on stationery, I want to put in another hurray for postcards. We love to receive them in the mail. They are the quickest and easiest opportunity for a note to express: “I’m thinking of you” with a few short sentences. Short and sweet is their feature. If […]
Stationery, the paper we write on
October 11, 2010 Now it’s time to discuss paper or rather stationery. This topic is quite involved and I am not surprised. Years ago, I worked in a printing and engraving factory. The behemoth presses would rhythmically bang out the sheets of business letterheads and personal stationery. Some of the results were stunning. The variables […]