Gratitude What We Appreciate, Appreciates How to find gratitude in challenging times. Posted November 26, 2024 | Reviewed by Michelle Quirk Whenever one of my students emails me, I always start my reply the same way—with gratitude. Whether they’re asking a question, sharing a concern, or just letting me know something, my first words are always a thank you. […]
Universal Letter Writing Week 2021
Looking forward, looking back -that’s Janus. January is named after Janus, the Roman god with two faces, each looking in the opposite direction. He heralds new beginnings. What a perfect symbol for a new year and some fresh starts. We’ve done plenty of looking back. So, what’s ahead? How are those resolutions going? Laurie Santos, […]
Giving Thanks
Happy Thanksgiving! Did you know that happiness and gratitude go hand-in-hand? Happy people are more grateful, and folks that express gratitude tend to be happier! Research states that being thankful can boost your “happiness index” by 25%. What’s the “happiness index?” Think of a mood meter based upon your genetic disposition and early family circumstances. […]
Veterans’ Day
November 11, 2013 For some odd reason, perhaps it’s a quirk in our human nature that we cannot co-exist without aggression and warfare. The tale is as old as human history. And to paraphrase Mark Twain: the only progress we’ve made is that we kill each other more efficiently! Unfortunately, there will always be soldiers […]
“instant thanks…”
July 28, 2013 Speaking of gratitude, words of thanks are always best expressed in a note or card. There’s something magical about sending a thank you note. Think about it: someone took the time to think of you with a gift. Acknowledging that gesture with your handwritten words on paper is reciprocal and has real […]
What are you grateful for?
July 24, 2013 Last weekend, I had the good fortune to meet Anne Kubitsky, creator and founder of “The Look for the Good Project.” I first discovered her postcard (shown below) at a local shop and then checked out her website . I learned that she would be at Hammonassett Beach State […]
“Letters from the Heart”
February 20, 2012 With Valentine’s Day behind us, I’d like to expand the energy and talk about “Letters from the Heart.” These could be love letters, letters of appreciation, affection, encouragement, gratitude, friendship, and even sympathy…Now, we can discuss a connection mindset without the backdrop of a commercially motivated holiday. “Letters from the Heart” are always love […]
“The Lost Art of Thank-You Notes”
January 24, 2012 “The brick walls are there for a reason. They’re not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.” -R.P. The LAST LECTURE. Have you read, listened or seen the video on You tube? WOW! Randy Pausch was […]
Teaching kids to say “thanks” the write way
August 17, 2011 Teaching kids to express “thanks” on paper is giving them an important life skill. Writing a thank you note is rather magical, a la harry potter! Putting gratitude into writing actually magnifies the generosity. People won’t hesitate to offer future help to those who acknowledge past kindnesses. Thank you notes open doors and impress people, especially now […]
Father’s Day- A Tribute to Fred!
June 19, 2011 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ My approach to family has always been eclectic and based more on heart than on similar features. “Dad” to me was a fellow I called Fred. The father of my dearest friend, my connection with Fred was as an auxiliary family member. Since we had no long history to undo, his […]