Yesterday, I wrote a condolence card to a friend. No matter how many of them I write, each one challenges me with an inadequate feeling. What can I say to offer comfort at such a time of grief? Yet words of sympathy are necessary to write especially now- when so many are dying unexpectedly, due […]
Letters of Sympathy
December 18, 2012 If you would like to send a sympathy note to the Newtown community in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, please address your cards to: The Families of Newtown P.O. Box 3700 Newtown, CT 06470 USA ______________________________________________________________________________________ Tips for writing a sympathy letter: Keep it brief. When a loved […]
“Just a note to say I care…”
March 30, 2012 …It was a year ago, I had major surgery for cancer. In celebration of my anniversary and my clean bill of health, I want to finish the post I started: “How to Write a Get Well Letter.” Being in their shoes…You know, this culture values us by how productive we are. Multitasking […]
“Letters from the Heart”
February 20, 2012 With Valentine’s Day behind us, I’d like to expand the energy and talk about “Letters from the Heart.” These could be love letters, letters of appreciation, affection, encouragement, gratitude, friendship, and even sympathy…Now, we can discuss a connection mindset without the backdrop of a commercially motivated holiday. “Letters from the Heart” are always love […]