September 3, 2016 Every now and then, something comes through the system that shows cleverness and humor. Last month, I delivered a beach ball. You can see the address with the delivery confirmation label lifting off the curved surface. Then on the other side of the sphere, the message…”Hope you bounce back”- just made my […]
“Just a note to say I care…”
March 30, 2012 …It was a year ago, I had major surgery for cancer. In celebration of my anniversary and my clean bill of health, I want to finish the post I started: “How to Write a Get Well Letter.” Being in their shoes…You know, this culture values us by how productive we are. Multitasking […]
Holiday Greetings: Your words are a gift!
December 12, 2011 As we write our holiday cards, please take the time to personalize the card with at least 3 short sentences. Picture the person you are addressing and write a few lines directly to him or her. Bring up a good memory about a visit or a shared experience. Or say something encouraging, […]