August 5, 2013 I have thought about this subject at length, and have written a variety of drafts to explain “Why letters still matter.” Basically, at the end of the day, when all of our gadgets have been shut off, we are still just human. Yep, we’re human beings with all those messy uncomfortable feelings […]
“Just a note to say I care…”
March 30, 2012 …It was a year ago, I had major surgery for cancer. In celebration of my anniversary and my clean bill of health, I want to finish the post I started: “How to Write a Get Well Letter.” Being in their shoes…You know, this culture values us by how productive we are. Multitasking […]
“Letters from the Heart”
February 20, 2012 With Valentine’s Day behind us, I’d like to expand the energy and talk about “Letters from the Heart.” These could be love letters, letters of appreciation, affection, encouragement, gratitude, friendship, and even sympathy…Now, we can discuss a connection mindset without the backdrop of a commercially motivated holiday. “Letters from the Heart” are always love […]
Finding the Right Words (an intro)
November 7, 2010 We’ve discussed pens and paper, now comes the challenging part, what to say… Saying what you feel honestly in just the right way, often requires some fine tuning. Handwriting a letter is an emotional process. Think about it, we generally write to express our feelings of love, admiration, friendship, gratitude, encouragement, sympathy, […]
Lady Gaga confesses-
October 28, 2010 …….”In the deepest hour of the night, I confess to myself three things: I would die if I was forbidden to write, forbidden to love, or forbidden to fashion.” (Quote taken from heartbeats ad, Lady Gaga’s headphones)