Yesterday, I wrote a condolence card to a friend. No matter how many of them I write, each one challenges me with an inadequate feeling. What can I say to offer comfort at such a time of grief? Yet words of sympathy are necessary to write especially now- when so many are dying unexpectedly, due […]
Letters of Sympathy
December 18, 2012 If you would like to send a sympathy note to the Newtown community in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, please address your cards to: The Families of Newtown P.O. Box 3700 Newtown, CT 06470 USA ______________________________________________________________________________________ Tips for writing a sympathy letter: Keep it brief. When a loved […]
“Just a note to say I care…”
March 30, 2012 …It was a year ago, I had major surgery for cancer. In celebration of my anniversary and my clean bill of health, I want to finish the post I started: “How to Write a Get Well Letter.” Being in their shoes…You know, this culture values us by how productive we are. Multitasking […]
Mother’s Day
May 3, 2011 I am hoping I don’t need to remind you that Mother’s Day* is this coming Sunday, May 8 th. You might already have a plan and a special card picked out. If you are procrastinating, perhaps I can add some umph to get things rolling. After all, if you are going to […]
The Time Factor & other excuses….
April 29, 2011 While talking with my neighbor about letter writing, she exclaimed: “It takes too much time to write a letter!” This is probably the major reason for the massive decline in personal letters, the time factor. I am such a huge fan of letter writing, I feel the time invested is part of […]