May 3, 2011
I am hoping I don’t need to remind you that Mother’s Day* is this coming Sunday, May 8 th. You might already have a plan and a special card picked out. If you are procrastinating, perhaps I can add some umph to get things rolling. After all, if you are going to mail your card allow at least three days for delivery.
A holiday honoring motherhood is a multifaceted occasion. It is an opportunity to write a letter of appreciation, a thank you and a love letter -all rolled into one!
What to do?
First off, a card is basic. Choose one that signifies Your Mom specifically. Look for one that focuses on what Mom likes…Flowers- is she a gardener? Does she like the beach, sunsets, cooking, crafts? Whatever. Look for a card that captures some of the essence of your relationship. For example, do you laugh together?… so a funny card would suit her. Or, if she has religious leanings, then a card with a prayer would make her smile. Remember it is her day and you want to put her outlook first.
What to say…?
There will be a few printed lines in your card or maybe it will simply say: “Happy Mother’s Day.” Don’t neglect to say something yourself. Personalize it. Mom is looking for your handwritten words. Spice things up by including a photo, a cartoon, a joke, confetti, rose petals and/or a gift card!
Here’s some suggested phrases:
….Thanks for loving me, no matter what.
….Thank you for always being there for me.
….You are not only my mother, you are my best friend.
….I’m glad you didn’t put me up for adoption.
….Though we don’t always agree, I do value your opinion.
….I never gave you any gray hairs! Did I?
….A mother is not always right, but she is never wrong.
….A mother is a very special blessing.
….A mother is someone you can lean on.
….There is nothing more comforting than a mother’s hug.
“Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning
“The mother’s heart is the child’s classroom.” – Henry Ward Beecher
“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” -Abraham Lincoln
More ideas:
…in addition to flowers and cakes, “show your love by making a CD or a DVD of family photos…create a gift basket filled with Mom’s favorite foods…invite her friends to a special get together…or wash and vacuum her car!” -Bottom Line Personal
*Mother’s Day is an international holiday which occurs on different days in other countries. This Sunday, Mother’s Day will be celebrated in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zea-land, South Africa, and Japan…
P.S. One doesn’t need a holiday to send Mom a card!
J.Beverly Daniel, Finding the Right Words– Perfect Phrases to Personalize Your Greeting Cards
Pocket Books, 2003
Bottom Line Personal, Volume 32 Number 9, May 1, 2011, “May Checklist” page 12