December 24, 2014… Finally, all the cards, packages, and gifts have been delivered for the holiday tomorrow. It was a busy season. I was happy to see so many letters with handwritten addresses on them. Yep, the cards and letters are my favorite part. Personally, I am still writing cards. Since I like to […]
Busiest letter season…
December 13, 2014 This IS the busiest postal season of the year! AND, I can testify that business is booming. Finally the catalogs have diminished- thank heavens. They were heavy. Now the daily delivery focuses on packages, gifts, and cards. What I call the “fun stuff”. I am most excited to see all the handwritten […]
“Just a note to say I care…”
March 30, 2012 …It was a year ago, I had major surgery for cancer. In celebration of my anniversary and my clean bill of health, I want to finish the post I started: “How to Write a Get Well Letter.” Being in their shoes…You know, this culture values us by how productive we are. Multitasking […]