In my 33 year experience as a letter carrier, postal management would generally find purpose in fixing things that weren’t broken. The resultant chaos would throw workers off balance and erode productivity. Every new boss would try to “reinvent the wheel.” Occasionally, a new manager would work with the employees, but that was a rarity. […]
Save our postal service
Randall Beach: Save our postal service A U.S. Postal worker makes a delivery with gloves and a mask in Philadelphia, Thursday, April 2, 2020. The U.S. Postal Service is keeping post offices open but ensuring customers stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) apart. The agency said it is following guidance from public health experts. […]
Rethinking Snail Mail
April 9, 2015 My friend Adam expressed that he did not like the term “snail mail”. His comment gave me pause. Of course, the word: snail is meant derogatorily, indicating that slow (at a snail’s pace) is negative. Let’s look further… Last month, I was invited to speak to 19 first graders about […]
Sy’s Birthday Cake
June 9,2014 Sy is, you guessed it, a letter carrier! Her birthday was about a week ago. Her friends surprised her with this phenomenal cake. Aside from how it “delivers,’ Sy said it was delish as well. Inside that postal truck was a yellow cake. Yum, yum! Check out the different views…
Merry Christmas!!!
December 25, 2013
Sgt. Laguna: “letters made us feel…loved.”
Veterans’ Day November11, 2011 Approximately 22% of the workforce in the USPS are veterans. It was an easy task to ask a veteran how valuable letters are to a soldier away from home. Letter Carrier, Leslie Laguna is a veteran from the 1991 Desert Storm campaign. Sergeant Laguna was deployed to Saudi Arabia as an […]
Post Office as Political Football
October 4, 2011 As a letter carrier, my job will be directly effected by how Congress and the President respond to Postmaster General Donahoe’s requests. Donahoe is asking for Saturday delivery to be eliminated. He also wants to close thousands of post offices nationwide, break union contracts and layoff 120,000 workers!!! All he really needs […]
Father’s Day- A Tribute to Fred!
June 19, 2011 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ My approach to family has always been eclectic and based more on heart than on similar features. “Dad” to me was a fellow I called Fred. The father of my dearest friend, my connection with Fred was as an auxiliary family member. Since we had no long history to undo, his […]
Hurray for Earth Day!
April 22, 2011 “Earth Day is the first completely international and universal holiday that the world has ever known.” -Margaret Mead This is our opportunity to take stock of how our lives impact the Earth, and what we can do about that “footprint.” The guidelines are easy if you remember and apply the 4 R’s of […]