Randall Beach writes: Sending out your thoughts during this pandemic June 23, 2020 Updated: June 24, 2020 11:34 a.m. Carol Christmas of Hamden, who has a card-writing service, offers advice on writing condolence cards in this time of many deaths from COVID-19. Photo: Peter Hvizdak / Hearst Connecticut Media Carol Christmas sat on her front porch in […]
Save our postal service
Randall Beach: Save our postal service A U.S. Postal worker makes a delivery with gloves and a mask in Philadelphia, Thursday, April 2, 2020. The U.S. Postal Service is keeping post offices open but ensuring customers stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) apart. The agency said it is following guidance from public health experts. […]
Nuts ‘n Bolts
As promised, I want to continue the story surrounding The Write Way. I can’t remember exactly what inspired the idea. I believe it came to me while I was delivering the mail. Perhaps, someone told me that a gift was sent and it was never acknowledged, as no response ever arrived. Or, maybe an email […]
Teaching kids to say “thanks” the write way
August 17, 2011 Teaching kids to express “thanks” on paper is giving them an important life skill. Writing a thank you note is rather magical, a la harry potter! Putting gratitude into writing actually magnifies the generosity. People won’t hesitate to offer future help to those who acknowledge past kindnesses. Thank you notes open doors and impress people, especially now […]