The post office has been the focus of a lot of media attention lately. Much of it is prompted by the financial uncertainly that the USPS finds itself in during this coronavirus pandemic. At present, there are more questions than answers. Still, postal workers continue to give “essential service” during this crisis. On […]
25 Years of Graceful Envelopes
At last, here’s some “eye candy”- the 2019 Graceful Envelope Contest Winners with their Put Your Stamp On It masterpieces. There is no question, The Graceful Envelope Contest elevates “mail art” to museum quality levels. Every year, since 1994, the Washington Calligraphers’ Guild and the National Association of Letter Carriers team up to sponsor the […]
2018 Graceful Envelope Winners
Whatever the Weather… As a former letter carrier, I can talk from experience about the daily challenges the weather poses. During the course of a single day, a kaleidoscope of possibilities can occur with rain, chill, humidity, varying degrees of sunlight, heat, and wind. Snow, hail, sleet, and ice feature big during Winter months when […]
The Graceful Envelope Contest Winners 2015
August 17,2015 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To view all the recent contestants’ entries from all the categories go to click at top “back to albums list” The Washington D.C. Calligraphers Guild has a listing of the winners and those with honorable mention.
National Food Drive this Saturday
May 7, 2013
“Fire in the Belly”
March 24, 2013 logo courtesy of Today was the National Day of Action for USPS postal employees. NALC President Fredric Rolando called upon the letter carriers across the country to come out and protest Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe’s plan to end Saturday mail delivery. I joined approximately 200 people, mostly letter carriers, on the […]
Postmaster General bullies the country
Statement of NALC President Fredric Rolando on Postmaster General Pat Donahoe’s plan to eliminate Saturday mail delivery Feb. 6, 2013 — Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe’s plan to end Saturday delivery is a disastrous idea that would have a profoundly negative effect on the Postal Service and on millions of customers. It would be particularly harmful to […]
Post Office as Political Football
October 4, 2011 As a letter carrier, my job will be directly effected by how Congress and the President respond to Postmaster General Donahoe’s requests. Donahoe is asking for Saturday delivery to be eliminated. He also wants to close thousands of post offices nationwide, break union contracts and layoff 120,000 workers!!! All he really needs […]