Dear Reader, Let me start by admitting that I am as lost as anyone after this “dumpster fire” of a year. I’ve often pictured Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz in the tornado funnel watching fragments of what-used-to-be swirl about, or Anne Frank, huddled in the attic with her family, hiding to save their […]
“You are very important to me.”
The post office has been the focus of a lot of media attention lately. Much of it is prompted by the financial uncertainly that the USPS finds itself in during this coronavirus pandemic. At present, there are more questions than answers. Still, postal workers continue to give “essential service” during this crisis. On […]
An Extreme Sport
Yesterday, I delivered the mail in a snowstorm. It was snowing heavily when I started out and it didn’t stop falling until mid afternoon. Those odd shaped postal trucks are terrible in the snow. They are rear wheel drive and they get stuck in even just a few inches of snow. I tried to dodge […]
Hooray for Saturday Delivery!!!
April 14, 2013 This past Wednesday, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe had to eat crow, his plan to eliminate Saturday mail delivery fell through. Public opinion and Congress told him: “NO!”
“Fire in the Belly”
March 24, 2013 logo courtesy of Today was the National Day of Action for USPS postal employees. NALC President Fredric Rolando called upon the letter carriers across the country to come out and protest Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe’s plan to end Saturday mail delivery. I joined approximately 200 people, mostly letter carriers, on the […]
Postmaster General bullies the country
Statement of NALC President Fredric Rolando on Postmaster General Pat Donahoe’s plan to eliminate Saturday mail delivery Feb. 6, 2013 — Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe’s plan to end Saturday delivery is a disastrous idea that would have a profoundly negative effect on the Postal Service and on millions of customers. It would be particularly harmful to […]
“D-liver D-letter D-sooner D-better”
March 12, 2012 Call for Entries… The 2012 Graceful Envelope Contest D-liver D-letter D-sooner D-better That familiar message — built around the letter D — has been taken to heart by the nation’s letter carriers, who D-liver 170 billion pieces of mail each year. With that letter in mind, your challenge this year is to […]
“What’s up with the Post Office?”
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ September 22, 2011 Over these past few years, I have listened with great dismay to the financial cries and moans of the US Postal Service. It took me a while to move beyond the fear and the cover story about lost revenue due to the advancement of technology and the popularity of email. Next came […]
Postcard Rally #1
July 22, 12010 About a year ago, in an effort to remind the public of the joys of sending postcards, a few of the letter carriers at the New Haven, Connecticut Post Office held a postcard rally. The beautiful postcards of the Connecticut shoreline and attractions were donated by the New Haven Visitors Bureau. The […]