April 14, 2013 This past Wednesday, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe had to eat crow, his plan to eliminate Saturday mail delivery fell through. Public opinion and Congress told him: “NO!”
“Fire in the Belly”
March 24, 2013 logo courtesy of deliveringforamerica.com Today was the National Day of Action for USPS postal employees. NALC President Fredric Rolando called upon the letter carriers across the country to come out and protest Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe’s plan to end Saturday mail delivery. I joined approximately 200 people, mostly letter carriers, on the […]
my 2¢…
This past week, the US Postal Regulatory Commission notified the public of their desire to raise the cost of a first class stamp by 2 cents. These are the same folks who also want to remove Saturday delivery. Once again, we would pay more for less service. From my grassroots perspective, the issue of […]