April 11, 2011

I am Overjoyed to call attention to the April issue of The Oprah Magazine! There Oprah shares with us visual excerpts from a few of her private journals. A “devoted diarist,” she admits that her journaling is therapeutic. Starting in her teens, Oprah wrote a lot of “bad poetry” and poured out her teenage angst over boys. Later she wised up to fill her pages with gratitude, and then “watch the blessings multiply.” Presently she journals “to gather perspective on whatever I am writing about.”
Over the five pages offered, one can see Oprah’s handwriting develop from an insecure teen’s printing to a large elegant script! Her preference is for blank pages.
Always innovative, Oprah combines the old with the new and uses an iPad app to track her “own evolution- who I was, and who I’m still becoming.” -(All quotes are Oprah’s words from the article.)
To link to this article go to An Exclusive Look at Oprah’s Journals
Also included with this article are:
Reference: The Oprah Magazine, April issue 2011 published by Hearst Communications, Inc. page 77