Step 3- Let your mind relax, wander and doodle! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
a Carol doodle
Doodling activates your brain’s creativity. Moving beyond thinking, doodling relaxes the mind and loosens up your hand, wrist, and (you guessed it!)- your writing arm!
To get into practice, I recommend you doodle anytime, anywhere. Use those boring moments waiting in traffic, on hold on the phone, in line at the Post Office…be creative. Have your pencil or pen handy and doodle on that grocery list, on the junk mail. Sky’s the limit! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Firms Try to Get Gadget-Obsessed Workers to Look Up —and Sketch Ideas
“Put down that smartphone; pick up that crayon.
Doodling proponents say it can help generate ideas, fuel collaboration and simplify communication. It can be especially helpful among global colleagues who don’t share a common first language.Putting pen to paper also is seen as an antidote to the pervasiveness of digital culture, getting workers to look up from their devices. And studies show it can help workers, stay more focused and retain more information.”
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To read the entire article click on “Doodle for Dollars” listed above.