May 26, 2013

In honor of Memorial Day, I want to share a story from NPR’s STORYCORPS about two Kentucky moms of fallen soldiers who connected through a letter. Both lost their sons during Desert Storm. Their sons didn’t know each other.
Lue Hutchinson’s son, Tom Butts, was killed on the final day of the war. His death was reported in the local paper. When Sally Edwards read the notice, she was moved to write Lue a letter.
The letter, Lue says, spoke to her: “Those words, ‘If you need help and you want to talk, I’m here,’ and that’s what I needed.”
And thus began a 22 year friendship that continues through this day. Through a shared loss, they have come to share what’s in their hearts, and it all began with a letter.
To hear their full story, go to NPR’s…
Military Moms: A Bond Born From Shared Loss