March 3, 2014
As much as I enjoy working outside, I have to admit that this past winter has pushed me beyond my limits. It’s been an endurance test- continuously working in the subzero temperatures, in the snow, on the ice, in the dark… I’ve moved beyond frustration with my physical exhaustion by decreasing the range of what’s possible to merely deal with the details of basic survival until better weather returns.
I feel if we took a tip from Nature, we’d hibernate during these colder months. So next year, I’m planning to do just what’s absolutely necessary and sleep more.
This past weekend, I received this first optimistic signal from Mother Nature, and became ecstatic. There’s an address on my mail route that always heralds early spring with these humble little snowdrops. I almost missed them. I’m so glad I didn’t.
It will take a while for my bones to thaw, but my spirit soars as these little sprouts testify, “It’s not much longer!’