The Write Course
Missouri professor leads class in letter writing
Missouri University English professor Marty Townsend. Photo: Columbia Missourian Posted 5/22/15 at 11:04 a.m
Don’t tell Marty Townsend letter writing is passé.
Townsend, a Missouri University English professor, teaches “The Letter as Genre,” a course that explores letters’ profound contribution to our understanding of history — and ourselves.
Students mine messages from the Middle Ages, as well as presidential missives, wartime correspondence and love letters. Students also research the future of letter writing and pen notes to each other.
Townsend was inspired by a 2013 New York Times essay that declared letter writing dead.
“That one column was the premise for the entire course,” Townsend told the Columbia Missourian recently. “Getting students thinking on this topic was my whole aim.”
Her strategy worked: Kelsey Hurwitz, a student, wrote to her mother in California, rejuvenating their relationship. The women now exchange two to three letters per week.
Townsend holds out hope for a widespread revival of letter writing.
“We still have this very basic human need to connect with other people in a way that electronic communication just doesn’t let us have,” she said.
A friend from work sent me the link to this marvelous article about Professor Townsend. He said we that we could be “birds of a feather”. I am so energized to learn that there is a college course being taught to sing the praises of letter writing. In my personal experience, I have found that the best way to create a revival is though teaching, so I’ve visited first graders. I hadn’t held out much hope for college students, who seldom look up from their devices. Truth be told, many Yale students don’t even know how to address an envelope. So, I feel, Professor Marty Townsend is doing something truly transformational. I’m going to write her a letter and congratulate her!!! -Carol