There was a video I watched where a young girl asked Bernie Sanders, “Would you be my father?’ He answered, “No, but I’ll be your President.”
George Washington, as the first president, became known as “The Father of America,” and ever since then the presidential title and fatherhood have become synonymous.
What makes a father a “good daddy?” …Strength of character, caring and protective, ability to handle life with all its complexities and contradictions. Meets difficulties with patience, confidence, and responsibility. Steers with firm yet gentle guidance, and has the power that comes with maturity… No one man is going to have all that, but basically those qualities are foundation stones for character.
Who leads the country needs to be held to a higher standard. That’s my belief. The decisions the president makes have enormous consequences for the Nation. Having a bombast, pugnacious, self-focused individual in the personage of Trump offers no leadership. Then there’s the ‘Historical” female presidential candidate who is so mired in scandal and secrecy- it’s an outrage she would even consider running for The White House. No higher standard with either one of the above.
And then there’s Bernie Sanders. Honest, clear, consistent, caring for all people- colors and creeds. Someone with common sense and the creativity to find workable solutions to end suffering and heal the planet. Now there’s a leader and a man who would make a great president.
Happy Fathers’ Day!