December 28, 2016
There’s always the question: What to do with all those cards once the holiday is over? Do they all go out with the wrapping into the trash?
WAIT! You can recycle some of those cards. And, before the envelopes disappear, you can cut out the return addresses and paste them onto a sheet for next year’s “list.” Lastly, you can recycle the stamps.
Here’s some recycling ideas for your holiday cards and stamps-
Stamps for the Wounded accepts any U.S. or foreign stamps that are not torn or damaged.
The organization requests you leave at least a quarter-inch margin around the stamp and don’t try to peel or steam the stamp off. Collect enough to fill a large envelope or box and ask the Post Office clerk to put real stamps on the shipment.
They also accept any stamp collecting supplies, albums, catalogs later than 2000, and cash donations.
The stamps can be sent to :
• PDG Dennis A. Clark, Sec’t-Treasurer, SFTW, P.O. Box 297, Dunn Loring, VA 22027
Reference: mLIVE/Media Group