October 21, 2017…..A story appeared in the news last week, that illustrates all that I love about letter writing!

Logan Pullin, a teacher at Bay Middle School in BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss., wrote individual letters of encouragement to all the students in the current senior class. These were handwritten and hand delivered.
Mr. Pullin began his teaching career in 2012. His first students were amazing, eager and engaged. They kept him on his toes. As a gesture of gratitude, and by way of encouragement as they move through their senior year, he took on the task of writing to each of his former students.
When Daley Bell received his letter, he was so surprised and touched. He remarked, “I was so emotional after reading it.”
As word got around, by day’s end, Mr. Pullin was called to the principal’s office. There he met other senior students who wanted their letters.
To say Mr. Pullin went above and beyond is an understatement. He took the time to hand write individual “pep cheers,” focusing on his knowledge of each student’s strengths and talents. He relayed memories and humorous anecdotes. Each letter is uniquely a keepsake. Without a doubt, these students will cherish and keep their former teacher’s gift.
Would an email be as valuable? No. There is something so special about a person’s handwriting in a letter that’s written only for you!