Dear Reader, I hope everyone had a pleasant, nourishing Thanksgiving. My day was filled with grateful communications from friends. The main feature on my holiday table was a “vegan meatloaf,” made with plant based Beyond Meat. It was delicious, very filling, but not heavy. I could not eat dessert. After dinner, I logged onto the free Positive Psychology Coursera class. The most exciting take-away from the introduction is what’s called the ‘Positivity Offset.” We all know about our “Negativity Basis,” why we are so drawn to the negative. However, Barbara Fredrickson, the instructor, explains that positive events happen more frequently than the negative ones. They are more subtle, they occur like a “whisper,” she said. You have to look for the good. I can’t wait to resume my study…But first, I have to make a –
Correction: In yesterday’s post I credited the wrong author. Sonja Lyubomirsky developed the happiness index theory.
Oops, my apologies.
P.S. As a special treat, here is an NPR interview with Laurie Santos. She taught the Happiness Course at Yale. In this 15 minute interview, Laurie speaks about how gratitude improves your relationships and your future. Give a listen… https://www.npr.org/2023/11/21/1197954335/its-been-a-minute-draft-11-21-2023
The How of Happiness, A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want. Sonja Lyubomirsky. Penguin Books, 2007.