Public event organized by Carl Brackin Jr. Details….This is a creative postcard action to counteract the media’s attempt to “disappear Bernie Sanders’ campaign.” All you need are 7 postcards and 7 stamps …the 7 addresses are below… 777: Seven postcards, Seven Stamps, Seven addresses. This event is a targeted blitz on mainstream media, the […]
“31 Ways To Get Smarter In 2012”
Courtesy of Newsweek, Illustration by Jason Lee January 6, 2012 Today I discovered a marvelous article in the latest Newsweek:“31 WAYS TO GET SMARTER IN 2012.” There are 31 practical suggestions to get those cobwebs cleared out of your brain. Drink more water, get more sleep, take naps, knit, eat yogurt, nibble on dark chocolate, take […]