May 5, 2013 I am so pleased to announce that The Writing Master is, at long last, coming out in paperback TODAY!!! Hip, hip, hooray! Yes, I downloaded the e-book version and wandered briefly, into the 1850’s with the story, but call me “old-fashioned,” I like a book as a companion I can carry with […]
The handwriting of The Declaration of Independence
July 4, 2012 This holiday gives me a perfect opportunity to discuss the lovely handwriting behind The Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft. Corrections were made by Adams and Franklin and then the document was passed on to Timothy Matlack to engross. Timothy Matlack (1730-1829) was a delegate to The Continental Congress […]
The Writing Master
May 6, 2012 I am quite excited to tell you about The Writing Master! Script & Scribble‘s author, Kitty Burns Florey, once again enchants us with the power of the handwritten word through the hand that scripts it. This Victorian novel is based on the life of Charles Cooper, a penman who lives in in […]