July 31, 2012 It has been too long, I have to catch up! So, what’s new? July marks the second year anniversary of Writealetter.org. I am proud of what’s been accomplished thus far and I am grateful for all the valuable contacts this website has attracted. I find myself now more strongly committed to supporting […]
a First Class letter is a bargain!
November 4, 2011 Carol “c.j.” Petersen wrote the following article and has graciously given me permission to reprint it here. c.j. is a treasure of a pen friend, an artist, photographer, writer, and all around wise woman. I am ever-so-grateful to have discovered her through our world of letters. _______________________________________________________________________________________ We all complain when postal rates go […]
Slow Writing
June 27, 2011 Today’s youth are growing up using the computer. They are trained to print in the early grades and then “keyboarding” comes along by maybe the third grade. Cursive script is not compulsory, perhaps it is not even offered. To describe the joys of letter writing to the current culture, one might as […]
“In Age of Instant Messages, What Can We Save Forever?”
As I approach a milestone birthday, I find myself reminiscing more often. Perhaps it has to do with the time of year. Having lost my mother and dad a few years ago,the month from Motherʼs Day to Fatherʼs Day has become a somewhat bittersweet, poignant time of year for me. I have always been a […]
New Year’s Resolution: BALANCE gadgets with handwriting!
Are you feeling overwhelmed with gadgets…